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Local Starting Times:
2:00-3:30 a.m. GMT
10:00-11:30 a.m. (local CST; HKT)
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (local JST; KST)
4:00-5:30 p.m., Nov. 19 U.S. HAST
Program Description:
One of the major issues that employers continue to face globally is how to effectively restructure their workforces. This can be particularly challenging for global businesses where employees are in multiple jurisdictions, with differing redundancy (or lay-off) requirements. This webinar will discuss the legal obligations that apply to redundancies in the Asia-Pacific region. Our speakers, who hail from nearly every Asia/Pacific country, will offer practical advice and guidance on:
The circumstances under which employers can make redundancies
Whether employers are obligated to consider redeploying employees to other/lesser roles, adjust shifts, etc. before making them redundant
The process employers need to follow before making redundancies, including notice, compensation, and mediation
Remedies that are available to employees if the employer breaches its obligations
Speakers for North Asia Session:
Anna Elento-Sneed, Moderator, Alston Hunt Floyd & Ing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Cynthia Chung, Deacons, Hong Kong
Matthew Jones, Kim and Chang, Seoul, South Korea
Kenichi Kojima, Ushijima & Partners, Tokyo, Japan
Sean Liu and Elizabeth Pai, Lee, Tsai & Partners, Taipei, Taiwan
Jeffrey Wilson, Jun He Law Offices, Shanghai, China