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The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firm: Cains Advocates in Isle of Man!

What Employers in Asia/Pacific Need to Know about Monitoring Employee Off-Duty Conduct and Use of Social Media - North Asia

Date(s) of Presentation
Thursday, February 25, 2016; 3:00-4:30 am GMT

NOTE: If you want to listen to or view the contents of this webinar, you must register on the ELA website here or, if you have previously created an account, log in using the link in the top right. After your account is created, you will have access to all past webinars.

NOTE: This program is being offered twice -- once for North Asia (February 25) and once for South Asia/Pacific (February 24). The focus of both webinars is the same as described below.

Click here to download the webinar power point

Click here to view the webinar Q&A

Program Description

With the advancement of privacy laws globally, employers in Asia and the Pacific continue to wrestle with just how far the right of privacy extends to employees in the employment context. What actions and activities do employers have the right to monitor or at least know about, and what can they do once they uncover any wrong doing? Featuring employment lawyers from across Asia/Pacific, this webinar will examine the differences among jurisdictional laws and offer practical insight, guidance, and best practices into how employers can address the following key issues:

  • Can employers dictate employee conduct outside working hours and the workplace? What types of outside conduct are actionable?
  • Is an employee’s freedom of expression subject to the interests of the employer?
  • To what extent do employees have the right to express personal views on social media, even if those views do not align with those of the employer?

Speakers for North Asia

  • Robert Flemer, Moderator, Kim & Chang, Seoul, Korea
  • Cynthia Chung, Deacons, Hong Kong
  • Kenichi Kojima, Ushijima & Partners, Tokyo, Japan
  • Elizabeth Pai and Jonathan Chao, Lee, Tsai & Partners, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Jeffrey Wilson, Jun He, Shanghai, China
