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The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firm: Cains Advocates in Isle of Man!

Employers Beware: Major Changes in Mexican labor and Employment Law

Date(s) of Presentation
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

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Program Description:   

The Mexican Congress has recently approved changes in the Federal Labor Law, some of which will significantly affect the way that U.S. and other foreign employers currently do business in the country. Some of these changes will make it more difficult for employers to manage profit sharing regulations while other changes, such as hiring and firing employees, will make the process simpler. 

If you have offices or employees in Mexico, or are considering opening a facility there soon, you will want to attend this program.  This session will provide practical insight into the following key issues:

  • New rules on terminations
  • New dispute resolution procedural rules and their impact on employers
  • Increasing penalties for violations of employment rules
  • New rules on outsourcing and how they could affect your business corporate structure


  • Carmen Plaza de Jennings, Moderator; Partner and Head, Latin America Practice Group, Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP, San Francisco, CA, USA
  • Monica Bichara, Legal and Corporate Security Director, The Home Depot - Mexico Division 
  • Juan Carlos de la Vega, Partner, Santamarina y Steta, Monterrey, Mexico
  • Fernando González, Senior Associate, Santamarina y Steta, Monterrey Mexico
  • Andrés Rodríguez, Partner, Santamarina y Steta, Mexico City, Mexico
  • Mario Yañez, Senior Associate, Santamarina y Steta, Mexico City, Mexico
