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Program Description
Human rights issues are among the most prominent and complex workplace challenges for employers in Canada. Complicating this even more is that the law continuously changes – often in significant ways. While there are many similarities across the provinces and territories, there also are important differences in how the laws are interpreted and applied. Presented by ELA members with clients in all Canadian provinces, this webinar will provide a cross-country overview of the most important developments in human rights in the Canadian workplace. Speakers will offer insight into such key topics as:
The merits of using a human rights commission to mediate and resolve complaints
Mandatory retirement issues
Accommodation issues, including:
Privacy of medical information
Religious accommodation
Mobility issues (e.g., airline no-fly lists)
Workplace-related injuries, including stress-related issues
Non-workplace injuries, including mental and physical disabilities
Family status and its impact on the Canadian workplace
Stephen J. Hirschfeld, Moderator, Partner, Curiale Hirschfeld, Kraemer LLP, San Francisco, CA
Nancy Barteaux, Partner, Ritch Durnford, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Michel Gélinas, Partner, Lavery de Billy, Montreal, Quebec
Teresa R. Haykowsky, Partner, McLennan Ross, LLP, Edmonton, Alberta
Gregory J. Heywood, Partner, Roper Greyell, Vancouver, British Columbia
Erin Kuzz, Partner, Sherrard Kuzz, Toronto, Ontario
Grant Mitchell, Partner, Taylor McCaffrey LLP, Winnipeg, Manitoba