The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firms: Jackson Walker in Texas!
The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firms: Jackson Walker in Texas!

#MeToo Goes Global: Considerations for Multinational Companies to Address Sexual Harassment

Date(s) of Presentation

To download the presentation slides, please click here.
To download the speaker biographies, please click here.
To obtain the Certificate of Attendance, please click here.  

Tuesday, February 13
7:30am–8:30am GMT+5:30
10:00am–11:00am GMT +8
1:00pm–2:00pm GMT +11
3:00pm–4:00pm GMT +13


Monday, February 12
6:00pm–7:00pm Pacific
9:00pm–10:00pm Eastern


The issue of sexual harassment at the workplace has attracted headlines in the US, China, and around the world. Presented by a panel with decades of experience advising employers with operations around the world, this webinar will address several aspects of the issues involved including, legal requirements in the US and China, and how employers can best to respond to a report of sexual harassment, particularly when they have locations that may be subject to varying laws and policies.

Experts will provide practical insight on:

  • What is Sexual Harassment?
    • The legal standard, the policy definition, and the public’s perception.  Which one applies?
    • Is it really necessary to alter your company’s policies based on the jurisdictions where you have employees?
  • Preventing Sexual Harassment:
    • Which techniques work best?
    • Current compliance requirements versus practical application
  • Formulating an Effective Response:
    • What are the employer’s legal obligations?
      • What to do when the organization receives a report
      • Who should be involved?
      • Best practices vs. what actually happens
    • Anonymous complaints, third-hand reports, claims from prior employees, decades-old conduct and other challenges


Natasha Baker
Hirschfeld Kraemer
San Francisco, California

Jeffrey Nolan
Dinse, Knapp, McAndrew
Burlington, Vermont

Jeffrey Wilson
Shanghai, China

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is an invitation-only event exclusively for clients of ELA member law firms.  The information presented will be of particular interest to:
•In-house Counsel
•Human Resources Professionals
•Corporate Executives and Business Owners
