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The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firms: Jackson Walker in Texas!


Singapore High Court Issues First Reported Decision in Dispute Arising from Circuit Breaker Measures

Submitted by Firm:
Firm Contacts:
Jenny Tsin, Vivien Yui
Article Type:
Legal Update

The General Division of the High Court of Singapore (“High Court”) has found that, even where a tenant does not have a contractual right to terminate a lease agreement, such an agreement can be terminated or, in the alternative, discharged by frustration due to the COVID-19 restrictions implemented by the Singapore government: Dathena Science Pte Ltd v JustCo (Singapore) Pte Ltd [2021] SGHC 219.

This case update takes a look at the High Court’s decision.

If you would like information and/or assistance on the above or any other area of law, you may wish to contact the Partner at WongPartnership whom you normally work with or any of the following Partners:

Wendy LIN
Partner – Commercial & Corporate Disputes
d +65 6416 8181
Click here to see Wendy’s CV.

Vivien YUI
Partner – Mergers & Acquisitions
d +65 6416 8009
Click here to see Vivien’s CV.
