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Sherrard Kuzz LLP Briefing Note - Proposed changes to Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to increase WSIB wage loss benefits and expand presumptive entitlement to firefighters with esophageal cancer

Submitted by Firm:
Sherrard Kuzz LLP
Firm Contacts:
Erin Kuzz
Article Type:
Legal Update

Proposed changes to Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to increase WSIB wage loss benefits and expand presumptive entitlement to firefighters with esophageal cancer

March 4, 2024 | Daryl Seupersad

This past Fall, the Ontario Government tabled Bill 149, Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 (“Bill 149”).  Currently, at Standing Committee, if passed, Bill 149 will provide further protections for employees under various employment statutes, including the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 (“WSIA”).  Specifically, Bill 149 will permit indexed increases to workplace safety and insurance board (“WSIB”) benefits above the annual rate of inflation and reduce from 25 to 15 the years of service necessary for a firefighter or fire investigator to take advantage of the presumptive entitlement provisions for primary-site esophageal cancer under the WSIB’s policy – Cancer in Firefighters and Fire Investigators.[1]  Each of these amendments has the potential to increase an employer’s claims costs and WSIB premiums.

To read the full briefing note, please click here.  To access all Sherrard Kuzz LLP briefing notes, please visit our website at

