April 20, 2023 OSHA Regulatory Updates: Organizational Considerations for US Employers OSHA is stepping up its game and new penalties higher than ever are being assessed every week. In this session, leading employment lawyers from the ELA Occupational Safety & Health Group will review what US employers need to know from an organizational perspective to lessen the likelihood of a costly OSHA enforcement investigation. This discussion will also include the pending workplace violence standard and workplace retaliation. Join us for tips on how to best assess whether your safety and he
June 23, 2021 New Wave of OSHA Whistleblower Claims in the US: Are you Prepared? Over the past year in the US, anxiety over health and safety has been building for workers transitioning from remote to in-person work. These concerns have the potential to increase the number of OSHA complaints, and thus whistleblower claims. In this session, our experts will provide practical information to best prepare for whistleblower events or avoid them altogether. Register today!
08/04/2020 - 08/06/2020 The Reimagined Workplace: North America Our North America series will focus on the “Future of Work” and how the pandemic has permanently and immediately impacted the way we work. Register today!