3/23/2021 OSHA developments under the Biden Administration With the Biden Administration came an increased focus on workplace health and safety, and a much more robust role for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Join us to learn the latest developments in workplace health and safety regulations and what this means for US Employers. Register today!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020 Looking Ahead at OSHA Activity in 2021 and Beyond Occupational Safety & Health law, and OSHA, have received major attention in the national political arena. Employers still implementing safety-first best practices in the workplace are seeing changes in the regulatory and compliance landscape. In this webinar, experts will discuss how 2021 could bring significant changes and updates for employers and organizations alike. Register today!
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 OSHA: Inspections & Investigations In this webinar, experts provide and discuss scenarios related to handling OSHA inspections and investigations amid business reopening (rebound effect) with a focus on issues specifically related to OSHA enforcement actions and methods during the pandemic. Register today!