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Travel Tuesdays: Doing Business in England & Wales

Submitted by Firm:
ELA Global
Firm Contacts:
Allissa Delhagen, Annmarie Mangin , Mary Anne Creighton, Peter Walts
Article Type:
Legal Article

In our Travel Tuesdays series, we explore the 'need to know' items for doing business in various jurisdictions around the world. This week, we take a closer look at England & Wales. Stay tuned for more episodes!

Host: Peter Walts (Employment Law Alliance / Global)
Guest Speakers: Ailie Murray (email) & Tim Gilbert (email) (Travers Smith LLP / England & Wales)

Sirva Soundbites: Explores the latest trends and topics on global talent mobility and the future of work.
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Travel Tuesdays: Doing Business in England & Wales

Every Tuesday marks our Travel Tuesday, where we connect with our members worldwide. They share critical insights into the essential aspects of doing business in their jurisdictions. Today, we delve into the business environment in England and Wales, welcoming Tim Gilbert and Ailie Murray, partners in the employment department at Travers Smith LLP. We’re thrilled to have you join us as we uncover the intricacies of the UK's employment landscape.

Economic and Political Backdrop in the UK

Our discussion begins with an exploration of the current economic and political climates in the UK, as explained by Tim Gilbert. 2023 was a challenging year for the UK, characterized by low economic growth and a shallow technical recession towards the year's end. Looking ahead, the forecast for 2024 suggests a slow improvement, but the path remains arduous. The labor market has been particularly strained, a situation exacerbated by Brexit and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to significant labor shortages, especially pronounced in sectors like hospitality, construction, and manufacturing. These industries struggle not only with recruitment but also with the need to reorganize and potentially make redundancies in response to the economic downturn.

On the political front, the UK anticipates a general election in the autumn of this year, which could herald changes to employment laws—a topic we will explore further in our discussion.

Addressing Employment Challenges in the UK

Ailie Murray provides an overview of the primary issues currently facing UK employers. A significant focus has been on investigations work, which shows no signs of abating. Employers are increasingly committed to maintaining an open workplace culture where employees feel safe to voice concerns. This emphasis is crucial in the financial services sector, highlighted as a key concern by UK regulators, and is also a growing focus for investors from an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) perspective.

Ensuring thorough and proper investigations of any complaints is paramount to fostering this open culture. Firms frequently seek advice on conducting these investigations, sometimes opting to outsource this function to HR consultants, after which they assess the outcomes and plan the next steps. Moreover, there is a proactive push towards updating whistleblowing policies and conducting training sessions to reinforce this culture of openness and accountability.

Key Employee Rights and Recruitment Practices in the UK

Understanding Key Rights of Employees and Workers

In the United Kingdom, the categorization of the workforce is distinctively structured into three groups: employees, workers, and self-employed individuals. Tim Gilbert enlightens us on these classifications:

  • Employees: They are under a contract of employment and enjoy a comprehensive range of rights, including claims for unfair dismissal, entitlement to the minimum wage, holiday pay, pension protection, and protection against discrimination.

  • Workers: This category serves as a hybrid between employees and the self-employed. While they do not hold contracts of employment, they are not running their own businesses either. Workers typically include those on zero hours or casual contracts and enjoy certain statutory protections like minimum wage and holiday pay, but cannot claim unfair dismissal.

  • Self-Employed: Individuals in this category, such as contractors or consultants, mainly receive protection from discrimination but do not benefit from the broader employment rights that employees do.

Recruitment Considerations

When it comes to recruitment, the UK has its specific practices and legal requirements, particularly in conducting background checks, which are common and sometimes mandatory, especially in regulated industries like financial services. Ailie Murray discusses the nuances:

  • Background Checks: While not a universal requirement, they are prevalent in sectors where trust and security are paramount. Employers must adhere to data protection laws, especially when handling sensitive information like criminal records.

  • Right to Work Checks: Essential for all new hires, these checks confirm the eligibility of individuals to work in the UK, safeguarding employers against hefty fines (up to £45,000 per illegal worker) for non-compliance.

Providing References

The practice of providing employment references in the UK varies by sector. In regulated fields, such as financial services, employers are obliged to provide comprehensive references. However, outside of these sectors, there is no legal mandate to provide a reference, although it is commonly done to confirm basic employment details such as job title and employment dates. Employers must ensure that any reference provided is accurate and not misleading to avoid legal repercussions.

Employment Contracts and Non-Compete Clauses

The UK mandates that all workers receive certain particulars of employment from day one, which typically include job duties, pay details, notice periods, and holiday entitlements. These are often incorporated into formal employment contracts that might also contain clauses for confidentiality and, for senior roles, non-compete and non-solicitation provisions.

Regarding non-compete clauses, Tim elaborates that these do not require compensation during the restriction period to be enforceable. Their validity is contingent on the scope being strictly necessary to protect legitimate business interests, with enforceable durations typically ranging from three to twelve months, depending on the circumstances.

Employee Benefits and Minimum Wage

In terms of benefits, all UK workers are entitled to a national minimum wage, which varies by age, with plans to increase annually. Employers must also enroll eligible workers in a pension scheme, contributing a minimum of 3% towards it. While there are no specific obligations to offer additional benefits, many employers provide supplementary benefits like health insurance and life assurance, particularly for more senior or professional roles.

Holidays and Work-Life Balance

The UK is notable for its statutory holiday entitlement, which supports a healthy work-life balance, a practice that deeply contrasts with some other cultures, particularly noted by Pete Waltz's reflection on the more generous vacation practices observed during his travels in Europe. In the UK, workers are entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks of holiday per year, which equates to 28 days for those working a standard five-day week. This includes public holidays, with England and Wales observing eight such holidays annually. The generous holiday entitlement is a testament to the UK's commitment to work-life balance, a concept highly valued across the nation.

Hours of Work and Overtime Regulations

The UK adheres to the Working Time Regulations, which caps the average work week at 48 hours. Employers must ensure that employees have adequate rest breaks and are not overworked. However, it's possible for employees, particularly at a managerial level or those who have significant control over their own work hours, to opt out of this limit. This flexibility allows for the accommodation of varying business needs and personal preferences.

Hybrid Working Trends Post-Pandemic

As the world adjusts to post-pandemic realities, UK employers are embracing hybrid work models, balancing between remote and office-based work. While the initial wave of the pandemic saw a surge in remote work, there is now a gradual shift towards more structured hybrid models. Employers must carefully consider the implications of these arrangements, especially to avoid potential discrimination against employees with specific health conditions or caregiving responsibilities.

Anticipated Changes in Employment Law

Looking forward, significant changes in employment law may be on the horizon, especially with the potential shift in government after the upcoming general elections. Proposed changes could include modifications to zero-hour contracts, unfair dismissal claims, and the introduction of sector-wide collective bargaining. These potential reforms highlight the dynamic nature of employment law in the UK and underscore the importance for businesses to stay informed and adaptable.

Employment Discrimination Protections

In the UK, employment discrimination laws provide robust protection against discrimination on various grounds, including gender, race, age, and more. These laws cover a wide range of employment aspects, from hiring to dismissal, and apply to all types of workers, including employees, workers, and self-employed contractors. The commitment to preventing discrimination is pivotal to maintaining fair and equitable workplaces.

Navigating UK Employment Law - An Overview

This podcast episode has provided a deep dive into the intricacies of UK employment law, guided by experts Tim Gilbert and Ailie Murray. From understanding the basic entitlements of workers to anticipating significant legislative changes that could reshape the employment landscape, the discussion has highlighted the importance of staying proactive and well-informed.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Worker Categories: Recognizing the differences between employees, workers, and the self-employed is crucial for proper compliance with UK employment laws.
  • Recruitment and Compliance: Rigorous background checks and right-to-work verifications remain essential, especially in regulated industries.
  • Adapting to New Work Models: Employers must navigate the shift towards hybrid working models thoughtfully, considering both operational needs and employee well-being.
  • Anticipating Legal Changes: With potential changes looming, particularly in light of the upcoming elections, businesses must prepare for adjustments in employment practices and policies.

The ever-evolving UK employment law demands continuous attention and adaptation. Employers and legal practitioners must remain vigilant, responsive, and committed to upholding high standards of fairness and compliance in the workplace. For further insights and resources, connect with experts like Tim Gilbert and Ailie Murray through the Employment Law Alliance network and stay tuned to the "Employment Matters" podcast for ongoing updates and expert advice.

