The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firm: LOGOS  in Iceland!
The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firm: LOGOS  in Iceland!


ELA Member Firms File Suit Against DOL "Persuader" Rule

Submitted by:
ELA Staff

On March 23, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued the final version of its "Persuader" rule -- a regulation requiring employers and legal consultants to disclose publicly any arrangement to persuade employees, either directly or indirectly, regarding the right to organize or bargain collectively.

Employment Law Alliance member firms Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C.and Shawe Rosenthal LLP filed separate lawsuits -- joining 11 firms filing jointly -- challenging the legality of this DOL regulation.

To read Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C.'s filing, please click here.

To read Shawe Rosenthal LLP's filing, please click here.

In addition, 12 ELA member firms -- Bond Schoeneck & King, LLP; Dudley Rich Davis LLP; ES&A, Inc.; Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett, P.A.; Hirschfeld Kraemer, LLP; Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie LLP; Maynard Cooper & Gale P.C.; Miller Nash Graham & Dunn LLP; Nyemaster Goode, P.C.; Reed Smith LLP; Schröder, Joseph & Associates, LLP; and Tueth Keeney Cooper Mohan & Jackstadt P.C -- filed an amicus curiae brief in support of fellow member firm Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, P.C.'s suit. To read the filing, please click here.

Note: on April 13, during a hearing, the Court approved the ELA’s Motion for Leave to File an Amicus Brief.
