Employment Law Alliance law firms provide HR legal solutions around the world. Multinational corporations, universities, oil and gas industry leaders, transportation businesses, and tech companies are just some of the clients who benefit from the global expertise of our members. Here are just a few of the success stories we captured which are a testament to the seamless, comprehensive HR legal service we provide HR leaders and Corporate Counsel in those firms.
"We are a global company. We are in 140 some odd countries and are headquartered in Switzerland. I have worked with Tueth Keeney for years. I have always considered them a strong mid-west based firm. Now I see that it’s more than a Missouri firm because of its association and involvement with the ELA. It really is a global firm that has partners all over the world that would service me and Nestlé, the same that they do for us in Missouri."
Jerry Rodriquez, Nestlé
"Tesla needs a group like ELA a lot of times because we are scaling and expanding into new markets and we are doing it very much in a rapid-fire way. As we are doing that, we need expertise that is local to be able to set up employment agreements. By getting these employment agreements set up in our work with Bowmans for example, we were able to put people on the ground much quicker than we might otherwise have. The ability to start up these employees right away and to be able to take advantage of market opportunities was very, very important. Having access to the ELA team has helped me to be quicker on my feet and give better, quicker answers to our business colleagues. That agility has been very important to us as we are scaling the company and entering new markets."
Yusuf Mohamed, Tesla
"Being a global brand, we are doing work around the globe so, quite often, Sherrard Kuzz is my representative that introduces me to other employment resources in other countries where we are doing business. I know I can go to Sherrard Kuzz and they can connect me to the appropriate resource regardless of where that legal resource is on the globe. They were really helpful recently in a situation where we had a Canadian employee who was going to be going to Australia for six months and he wanted to work remotely. If an HR practitioner is working internationally, having a resource like the ELA available, saves you so many hours of work and research, because it is a very credible, comprehensive resource and the answers are literally just keystrokes away."
Cheryl Sproul, Director of Global Human Resources, Umbra