The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firm: LOGOS  in Iceland!
The ELA is proud to welcome our newest member firm: LOGOS  in Iceland!


SyCipLaw Authors Philippine Chapter of 2023 Vertical Agreements & Dominant Firms Guide

Submitted by Firm:
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
Firm Contacts:
Rodelle B. Bolante

SyCipLaw Of Counsel Rolando V. Medalla, Jr. and Partner Joanna Marie O. Joson authored the Philippine chapter of the Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms guide, covering common issues in vertical agreements and dominant firm laws and regulations. This guide is published by the Global Legal Group.

Read the Philippine chapter on the International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) website here or email us at to request an on-demand copy.

